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Welcome to the Mr. Lacivita's Automotive Technology Web Site

Thank you to everyone who has visited my site over the years! I hope the materials I posted have been beneficial and have helped increase student achievement on the PSSA, Keystone and NOCTI exams.

Over the next several months I will be revamping this web site. If there is something specific you would like left on the site, or something you used has been removed, or something that you think I should add, please email me at BOBL273@comcast.net

I will make every effort to leave materials on this web site that will continue to help you in your classroom.

*See 40 Years of Change, 40 Years of Progress in Automotive Technology*

"Automotive technology students need to learn more than what is contained in the formal course of study. An important portion of the automotive technology curriculum is teaching our students how to become valuable members of society." 

Click Here to Get Ready For Winter by Putting Together an Emergency Tool Kit!

Remember: Homework is a critical component for successfully completing the technical curriculum.

Tips to help write your senior project research paper

Integration of academic competencies

To ensure all PA Career and Technical Centers meet PDE 339 requirements, integrating academic skills with technical competencies, is a required element of technical instruction. Using the Temple University model of Integrating Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening In-CTE (Career and Technical Education) and the PA PDE Math Council Math T-Charts helps meet these requirements. Both of these models have shown remarkable improvement in students overall PSSA and program proficiency testing scores, and should be an integral component of any CTE curriculum. 

Importance of literacy and math skills in the workplace

Student gains in reading from the participation in the Temple University Reading Project

Math-In-CTE Newsletter (see page 3!)

The data complied by Penn State and Temple University shows both programs to be very effective in integrating the Pennsylvania academic standards and concepts with vocational education.

More importantly, the reason these programs are successful is because they are not "add-ons" to the current curriculum, but rather are "add-ins"; enhancing program instruction and better fulfilling the needs of our students, local employers and the community.

Important Links

Yes, it really is rocket science (math that is)!

Automotive Dictionary

MSDS Assignment

Wake Up America! A funny, but serious little piece of information on the current state of the automotive repair industry.

Automotive Technology Class Assignments

Readings for Essays

Chapter Resources

Written Assignment Worksheets

Math-IN-CTE Lessons, Worksheets and Homework Assignments; Mathematics Glossary Grade 11; PDE Grade 11 Formula Sheet

O-NET An On-Line database that identifies occupations, describes the required skills and/or abilities needed to perform the work, the work environment, what principles, techniques, and procedures are used to perform specific job duties, the use of special equipment and other important information necessary to be successful on the job. Examples: Automotive Technician or Automotive Specialty Technicians.

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This Site Was Last Updated on Thursday, March 27, 2025